Paper on SPACEBEAM accepted for publication on the Journal of Lightwave Photonics

  • October 20, 2021
  • 561

October 11, 2021 The paper “Design and Performance Estimation of a Photonic Integrated Beamforming Receiver for Scan-On-Receive Synthetic Aperture Radar” has been accepted for publication on the Journal of Lightwave Technology. The paper is available online in early access. The paper presents the design analysis and the challenges of the development of the SPACEBEAM hybrid photonic-integrated circuit as the core element of an X-band scan-on-receive spaceborne synthetic aperture radar. The

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Abstract on SPACEBEAM accepted at ICSO 2020

Abstract on SPACEBEAM accepted at ICSO 2020

  • December 22, 2020
  • 480

December 8, 2020 The abstract “Advancement of Photonic Integration Technology for Space Applications: a X-band Scan-on-Receive Synthetic Aperture Radar Receiver with Electro-Photonic Beamforming and Frequency Down-Conversion Capability” has been accepted for oral presentation at the International Conference on Space Optics (ICSO 2020), which will be held virtually on 30 March – 2 April 2021. The paper will present the design and specifications of the SCORE-SAR receiver at equipment level, underlining

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First accepted paper for the SPACEBEAM project

  • October 22, 2020
  • 537

The first technical paper on the SPACEBEAM project has been accepted for oral presentation at the International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP2020). The paper is entitled “Design of an Integrated-Photonics RF Beamformer for Multi-Beam Satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar”, and it presents the design and the performance analysis of the photonic device under development within the SPACEBEAM project, demonstrating its compliance to the application requirements and its suitability for satellite

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Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna capofila del progetto Europeo SPACEBEAM per realizzare sistemi complessi di nuova generazione per l’osservazione terrestre dai satelliti

Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna capofila del progetto Europeo SPACEBEAM per realizzare sistemi complessi di nuova generazione per l’osservazione terrestre dai satelliti

  • March 30, 2020
  • 518

L’osservazione della Terra dallo spazio è considerata di fondamentale importanza per l’Unione Europea per migliorare la gestione dell’ambiente, comprendere e mitigare gli effetti dei cambiamenti climatici e migliorare la sicurezza civile, per una migliore gestione dei rischi ambientali, anche in caso di catastrofi naturali (eruzioni vulcaniche, terremoti, incendi, frane, inondazioni, effetti dovuti al riscaldamento globale) e per un più accurato monitoraggio dell’agricoltura e delle risorse naturali (inquinamento delle acque, biomasse).

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